What to Expect from GST and GST Ready Product?
There are just a few weeks remaining for you to get prepared for the roll out of GST, and out of the many questions you will be asking yourself, ‘ what changes should I look for in my system, from my Tax Consultant, or in business processes, in order to better prepare for GST? ’, is likely to be at the top of the list. This article attempts to highlight key expectations and new pain points that are going to emerge in your business due to the upcoming law. These findings surfaced once we refocused our efforts after the constitutional amendment leading up to the GST law. All our work went into identifying new business behaviour changes in order to deliver the simplest-to-use GST solution in the market. As you already know, GST is based on the concept of invoice matching and it will fundamentally change the behaviour of your business in the following ways: 1. We believe that you will move to a ‘Payment on Invoice Upload’ behaviour In the pre-GST era; you were able to ...